My Birth Stories :)

Sadie Elizabeth

My husband and I were surprised but excited to find out we were pregnant in June 2006. I already knew I wanted to go to the Midwives and Assoc. because a good friend of mine Katrina had such a wonderful experience and convinced me it was the way to go. I didn't know much about birth and all the options and the push for drugs in labor until going through the process. I started talking to other friends and I went to birthing classes. My husband and I were shocked to find out so many of our friends were going into childbirth blind and letting their doctor and the hospital make all their decisions.
My due date was March 4, 2007. I saw Laurice on Feb. 28th and she said, "We are going to have a baby this weekend." And she was right, I went into labor Friday morning, March 2, 2007 about 6:45am. But I wasn't SURE, the contractions were 30 min. apart and pretty mild for the next 8 hours. But to be safe my parents started there 10 hour drive from Indiana and my sister-in-law prepared to leave her place in Queens, NY after she got off work. Both my mother and my sister-in-law planned to be there for the birth.

Then from 3pm to 6pm, the contractions went to 20 min. apart, from then on they came every 10 min. until 8pm. Finally at 8pm the contractions started to be 5 min. apart. I was told to wait until the contractions were 5 min. apart for 2 hours. I couldn't wait, they were getting way too painful and I just wanted to go to the hospital. So at 9pm I called the Midwives, waiting for them to call back was torture! We got to the hospital at 10pm and Laurice checked me at 10:30pm, I was 6cm, almost 7cm.

I began begging for the epidural at that point. I decided I didn't care anymore, I couldn't take it anymore! BUT they had to start my antibiotic IV and I really wanted to sit in the hot tub. It took the nurses 30 min. and 4 tries to get my IV in. Laurice checked me again and I was 8cm! Laurice told me that the reason these contractions were so painful was because I was progressing so quickly. It made me feel better to now there was a reason for the pain. Laurice had already gotten my water ready, so I went and sat in the hot tub. I was so totally relaxed in the tub I was falling asleep between contractions. I LOVED IT! After an hour in the tub I was 9cm with an anterior lip. Laurice said if she broke my water we'd be ready to go. So at 12:15am we went to the delivery room and Laurice broke my water, two contractions later I was 10cm and ready to push. I really wanted to push on my hands and knees for some reason. Laurice let me try that for 40min, but it wasn't a good position for me. So Laurice suggested laying on my side, and after 10 min she was crowning, we switched to the other side and out she came! Sadie Elizabeth Sullivan, 7lb 8oz. born at 1:32am.

It was the best most beautiful experience. I am so glad that I was able to have a completely natural beautiful birth.

Wyatt Brady

Coming soon . . .