Thursday, July 29, 2010

Living like Jesus

My husband and I had huge discussions tonight.
Here is the issue - sometimes I feel like he lives in one extreme. He hates money, he HATES spending money, he hates charging for services, the only thing he likes about having money is that we can give it away. Which some people would say is admirable.
I think there needs to be a balance. He feels as if he is in the job God called him to, so he can't hate his salary! I am worried that by appearing to be on one extreme you can really turn people off when his only real goal is to love others.
Anyway - it ended well, but it was a good discussion.
The question is how can we live like Jesus and do ANYTHING for ourselves besides eating or praying or resting. If our time on earth is short and our main goal is to win souls to Christ, are we too caught up in bettering our own lives??? I know i am.

Day One

This morning is a rough one.
Sadie and I have been having "battles of the will" lately. She cried this morning because I asked her to wipe herself. Which she has been doing for months until recently she regressed, I am guessing the cause is her baby brother. SO she sat crying on the toilet for 20 minutes. You might think, what's the big deal . . . but with Sadie, I have learned, it is a control thing. If I do what she wants me to do instead of what I asked her to do I am setting myself up for more trouble later. I am attempting to teach her that the world does not revolve around her.

The best part of my morning was my favorite breakfast sandwich! 100 calorie English muffin, one egg white, turkey sausage patty and a slice of 2% Kraft american cheese, so low-calorie, 3.5 WW points, the protein satisfies me until lunch, and so delicious! I usually have a piece of fruit as well. And of course, COFFEE!!! I love coffee!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Proving I'm not all talk

First Post.
Wow, a lot of pressure. I want to be wildly entertaining. Maybe tomorrow . . .